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Geeks Galore Service Price List
Hourly rate for in store depot service: $90.00 per hour
Hourly rate for onsite service:
(Basic Onsite Service/Support)
Level 1 = $100.00 per hour + mileage $1.15 per km
(Medium Level Network Onsite Support)
Level 2 = $120.00 per hour + mileage $1.15 per km
(High Level Virus Removal)
(Call us to ask how these levels are rated to service)
Geeks Galore Support Services
Data Recover/Restoration = $150.00 per hour
Any Windows Re-Install = $150.00 4 hour min.
Drivers Re-Install = $45.00 1/2 hour min.
Boot Sector Virus Removal = $90.00
2nd Hard Drive Install = $15.00 1/2 hour min.
CD-ROM Install = $15.00 1/2 hour min.
I/O, Modem, Sound Card = $15.00 1/2 hour min.
Memory Install = $15.00 1/2 hour min.
Consultation/Smiles = FREE
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