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Wasaga Beach Geeks Service Price List


Hourly rate for in store depot service = $90.00 per hour

Free Internet Cafe & Hotspot. Private Office Space Available (Phone, Fax, Print & Amenities)


Level 1 = $120.00 per hour + mileage $1.15 per km

(Medium Level Network Onsite Support)


Level 2 = $150.00 per hour + mileage $1.15 per km

(High Level Network/Security Onsite Support)

(Call us to ask how these levels are rated to service  1-705-812-8122)



We Can Help With


Virus Removal

Computer Tune-ups

In your home computer, printer & network setups

Security Consulting, including Home Security Systems

New & Refreshed Laptops & Desktop purchases

Repairs to, IPads, Iphones & Androids

Free Local Faxing

Free Internet Cafe & Hotspot

Printing & Scanning

Photo Printing & Restoration

Data Conversion

Data Backup preventative measures


Wasaga Beach Geeks Support Services


Data Recovery/Restoration = $100.00 per hour.

All Windows Operating Systems Re-Install = $150.00 (4 hour min). Includes all Drivers, Updates, Java, Reader, Open Office etc.

Drivers Re-Install = $45.00 1/2 hour min.

RootKit & Boot Sector Virus Removal = $120.00 (Two Hours).

2nd Hard Drive Install = $30.00 1/2 hour min.

Remote Access Plus Telephone Support = $90.00 (Please Call For Details (1-705-812-8122).

1 Year Anti-Virus Guarantee = $199.99 (No virus guarantee, or we clean for free).

We Can Sell for you on Ebay. Just pay Ebay Listing Fees + $5.00 Service Fee.

We can help you setup any account, EBay, Paypal, Facebook, Google, Twitter & More.

Have a Webpage or need one?  We can help with that too, we can even link all your social networking

platforms together seamlessly.



Beach Geeks

Computer Support​

© 2017 by Wasaga Beach Geeks

705-812-8122 or 705-816-4335

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CALL Support: 1-705-816-4335
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